Fellowship Hall Rental
Please check the calendar for availability before submitting building usage requests: Church Calendar
To All Users of Church Facilities:
Our facilities are used by many organizations and the only way we can co-exist is to respect each other's right. Therefore, the Trustees requested that all users of Church facilities, including the Sanctuary, the Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, Choir Room, Office, Rest Rooms and Classrooms agree to and follow the guidelines presented below. Please click to find the guidelines and fees for rentals:
The Building Usage Team issued new guidelines regarding hall rental. Regrettably, we are no longer able to accommodate rental requests from those who do not have a direct connection with PUMC, either as members or through the many groups we sponsor, including four different Scout troops, UMYF, NA, to list just a few. Our Fellowship Hall is in great demand and our church is out of space, with an active Sunday school, Early Learning Center, and weekly activities, as well as two weekly Sunday services plus activities after church in the Fellowship Hall.
If you are interested in renting you must complete the usage form so we are able to see if your date is available on our calendar. Please click the following link to complete the appropriate form: Building Usage Request Form.
Paper forms available inside the church office.