Who To Contact
Did you know that the Leadership Team / Church Council is responsible to provide for the planning and implementation of programs to nurture, for outreach, and for witness, and for the resources of the local church. Additionally, it should envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church.
• Would you like to become more active with the mission of the church, to help influence change? Contact us so we can get you involved.
Do you have questions about the PUMC budget or problems with a bill or check?
Do you have questions about donating or setting up the church as a beneficiary in your will?
If you need a reimbursement or a bill paid, forms are available in the office above the mailboxes. Leave the completed form in the Finance mailbox box in the office.
Membership & Financial Secretary
Please leave messages in the Financial Secretary mailbox in the office
Need a box of donation envelopes, a record of your donations, baptism, or confirmation?
Do you have a new address, phone number, or email?